Freedom Books

  • The Rise of the Unicorns
    A poetic exploration of the diverse nature of birds, highlighting their different characteristics and emotions.
    Eye Icon 1347
    Star Icon 99
  • Proud Patriotic Pups
    A rhyming story about the importance of the American flag and unity in the family, with a message of freedom and respect.
    This book tells the story of Harriet Tubman and her role in the Underground Railroad, rescuing over 300 slaves.
    Eye Icon 2957
    Star Icon 28
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
    The animals on Manor Farm rebel against their human owner, Mr. Jones, and establish their own farm called Animal Farm. However, power struggles and corruption lead to a retur…
    Eye Icon 1967
    Star Icon 12
  • Kenny's Freedom
    Kenny, a farmer in Virginia, becomes a patriot and fights against British rule in the American Revolution.
    Eye Icon 29
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
    Eye Icon 22249
    Star Icon 1111
  • The Pigon Wants Some Books
    A group of turkeys run away from a farm and have a party. They enjoy their freedom while the farmer wonders where they went.
    Eye Icon 189
    Star Icon 7
  • The Beautiful Princess
    This is a story about how a princess changed her life.
    Eye Icon 843
    Star Icon 56
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