Function Books

  • Bob the Brain
    Bob, a curious brain, learns about the different parts of his brain and their functions.
    Eye Icon 12824
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  • Animal Cell Compared To Everyday Things?
    An informative book about the different parts of a cell, their functions, and analogies to help understand them.
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  • Animal Cell compared to House
    A comparison of cell organelles to various parts of a house, explaining their functions and roles.
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  • My Amazing Circulatory System
    An informative book about the circulatory system, its components, and functions.
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  • Linear Functions
    This book is a a little girl who's trying to learn about Linear Functions.
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  • cell analogies book for kids
    A comparison between an animal cell and the city of Jerusalem, highlighting similarities in structure and function.
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  • Cell Functions
    An informative book that introduces the different parts of a cell and their functions in a fun and relatable way.
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  • Halle's Heart
    Halle's Heart is a book about the circulatory system and how to keep your heart healthy. It provides information about the heart's structure, function, and importance of a he…
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