Gender Expression Books

  • A Boy And A Dress
    A boy fighting for his right of gender expression. A lesson in accepting others for who they are.
  • Do YOU like my Dress?
    A boy is excited to start first grade and wants to wear his favorite dress, but worries about what others will think. In the end, he receives compliments and makes friends.
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  • Self Adulation
    Davis, a boy who enjoys wearing dresses, overcomes his insecurities and embraces his true self with the help of a friend.
  • Emily's Goal: Breaking Barriers in Soccer
    Meet Emily, a passionate young girl who dreams of becoming a soccer coach. She challenges gender norms and advocates for equal opportunities in sports coaching. Through her d…
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  • The Leatherback Sea Turtle
    A nonfiction book about leatherback sea turtles, their characteristics, habitat, threats, and conservation efforts.
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  • SOC 101: Intro to Sociology Final Project Fall 2021
    This is my final project for sociology. It covers some of the topics we covered this semester.
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    This book provides an overview of human rights, their history, importance, and key articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Eutopia project
    This text explores the link between citizenship and various rights, including gender equality, healthcare, environment, and entertainment, emphasizing the importance of equal…
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