Genghis Khan Books

  • The Mongols
    The rise and fall of the Mongol Empire, from Genghis Khan to Temür the Lame, and its lasting impact on history.
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  • Genghis Khan and the Roman Conquest
    Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar, two great leaders from different eras, form an alliance to create a powerful empire by merging their strengths and strategies.
  • Story of Genghis Khan: Told by Genghis Khan
    The story of Genghis Khan, from his birth to his rise as the leader of the Mongolian Empire.
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    A brief overview of the Mongols, their military power, and key figures like Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, and Kublai Khan.
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  • Mr. President and Genghis Khan
    Genghis Khan, a playful puppy, becomes jealous when his family brings home a new pet. He runs away but is found by Mr. President, who convinces him to come back home.
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  • The Mongol and Ming Empires
    A historical account of the Mongols and their impact on China, including Genghis Khan's conquests, Kublai Khan's rule, and the Ming dynasty.
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  • World Warfare
    A brief overview of three historical conflicts: the Peloponnesian War, Genghis Khan's conquests, and the Crusades.
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  • Mongolian empire By Ardakh
    A brief introduction to the history of Great Mongolia and the conquest of Baghdad
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