Genres Books

  • Puzzles
    This book is for ENG101 at Illinois State University, breaking the genre of children's books.
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  • The Literary Adventure: Exploring Different Genres
    Embark on a whimsical journey with Ashanti, Olivia, and Shaun, three fifth-grade friends from the town of Booksville, as they delve into the enchanting world of literary genr…
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  • Fiction VS. Non-Fiction
    A poetic exploration of the differences between fiction and non-fiction, highlighting their characteristics and genres.
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  • Kelli was a Little Lamb
    Kelli, a teacher's assistant, loves reading and dreams of becoming a teacher. She enjoys various genres but dislikes college textbooks.
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    An informative text about movies, discussing trailers, soundtracks, directors, actors, and genres.
  • My favourite film
    A student talks about their favorite films, including House, M.D., Doctor Who, Titanic, The Maze Runner, Sherlock, Star Wars, Minions, Teen Wolf, Twilight, Bedtime Stories, M…
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  • The Genre Detective
    Students read each excerpt and turn the page for the answer and clues. Fun to use with pairs or in a web quest.
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  • My Mom And Dad
    AGE RANGE: 2-10
    GENRE: Coming Of Age

    How does your parents grow up? Where does it all start? Read this book to find out!
    Eye Icon 454
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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