Geometric Shapes Books

  • Shapes in My World
    This book is for 1st and 2nd graders learning about geometric shapes!
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  • ABC's of Geometric Shapes
    An educational alphabet book that introduces geometry terms and concepts, providing definitions and fun facts for each letter.
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  • Different Kinds of Art
    This is a book about different kinds of two dimensional art. I used pieces of my own work as examples of two dimensional art work.
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  • Shape
    A simple story about the love for shapes, featuring various geometric shapes.
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  • Geometry Scrapbook
    A brief introduction to different geometric shapes and concepts, including triangles, quadrilaterals, parallel lines, congruent vs. similar shapes, symmetric logos, solids, a…
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  • Augmented Reality
    An introduction to Augmented Reality (AR) and its educational applications, including apps that help students visualize constellations, animals, geometric shapes, and anatomy.
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  • Mathematics + İnformatics= Love For The First Number eTwinning Project
    A collection of short descriptions about various geometric shapes and mathematical concepts.
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  • Geometric Ride in Europe
    Two partners from different cities present their schools and cities, followed by a math activity involving geometric shapes.
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