Geothermal Energy Books

  • Renewable Energy
    An informative book that explains what renewable resources are, the six main types of renewable resources, and why we should use them.
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  • The story introduces two types of renewable energy: solar power and geothermal energy. It explains how they work and their benefits and limitations.
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  • Geothermal Energy
    An informative book about geothermal energy, including its history, different ways of converting it, equipment needed for drilling, advantages, disadvantages, and cost overvi…
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  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • Mia and the Geothermal Energy
    Mia crash lands on Earth and meets Roberta, who teaches her about geothermal energy and its benefits.
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  • earth's non living resources
    I did a project for Mrs.Baker's class about earth's non living resources. I did this for the third grade project.
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  • Renewable energy
    The story provides information about the Azores, its renewable energy sources (wind, hydro, geothermal), and their advantages.
  • geothermal
    Dora, the CEO of Geothermal, faces challenges while traveling to fix heating systems. She educates students about geothermal energy.
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