Ghanaian Books

  • GHANA BOYS: Book One
    GHANA BOYS is a 3-book series.

    The series tells the story of two, young brothers who were born and raised in the United States of America. They have an African-Amer…
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  • Anansi The Spider
    Anansi the spider and an antelope help each other escape from a fire and hunters, teaching the lesson that good deeds are rewarded.
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  • All about me
    Joel, a 10-year-old boy from Canada with Ghanaian roots, shares his favorite things and aspirations.
  • All about me
    Koby, a 7-year-old boy from Canada with Ghanaian roots, shares his favorite things and aspirations while highlighting his family's language and culture.
  • Traditional African Craft
    The story discusses the use of ceremonial masks and wooden sculptures in African cultures such as the Dan, Ghanaian, and Kuba Kingdoms.
  • Why We Go to School
    A group of Ghanaian students share their dreams and aspirations, showcasing the importance of education and diverse career paths.
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  • Unit 6 Culture Project
    The story provides information about Ghanaian textiles, Nollywood films, and various genres of African music.
  • Culture Project
    This book provides information about Kente cloth, its history, meaning, and significance in Ghanaian culture. It also briefly touches on African music, rap, and the importanc…
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