Giants Books

  • Grandpa and the Great, Big, Giant Coronavirus
    Grandpa explains to Sam about the COVID-19 pandemic, its origins, how it spread, and the measures taken to control it. He also explains concepts like viruses, vaccines, and h…
    Eye Icon 18966
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  • The Magic Bean
    A man who eats a magic bean and grows to become a giant who can no longer fit into his home.
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  • Puggy visits the Moon
    Chocolate-loving "Puggy" gets into mischief following his owner Neil Armstrong to work, and sneaking into the rocket that takes him all the way to the moon!
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  • The Selfish Giant
    A selfish giant learns the importance of sharing and kindness when he befriends a little boy and realizes the impact of his actions on others.
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  • The Giant Gingerbread Man
    An old lady and man make a gingerbread man who comes to life and runs away. He is chased by various animals and townspeople, but eventually falls and shatters.
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  • Megasaurus
    The tiny, multi-colored bean-shaped bears of Beandom are under attack by a monster. Even the King's wisest advisors seem unable find a solution. Who will save Beandom? Can an…
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  • What are we going to do today?
    A whimsical poem about a parent's willingness to go on imaginative adventures with their child.
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  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
    Eye Icon 1884
    Star Icon 67
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