Glorious Revolution Books

  • The Glorious Revolution 1688-1689
    The Glorious Revolution of 1688, also known as the English Revolution, was a bloodless transition of power from James II to William of Orange and Mary. It was a significant e…
  • The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution in 1688 replaced King James II with William of Orange, due to religious differences and the desire for a Protestant ruler.
  • The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution, a bloodless war in 1688-1689, saw William of Orange and his wife Mary II overthrow King James II and become the rulers of England, Scotland, and Irel…
  • Glorious Revolution
    Three men, Fidel Castro, Toussaint L'overture, and George Washington, celebrate George's birthday at the beach and discuss revolutions.
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  • The Glorious Revolution
    The story provides information about the Glorious Revolution, including its location, time period, significance, and cause.
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  • The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution, also known as the Bloodless Revolution, was a political and religious conflict in 1688-1689 that resulted in William of Orange becoming the King of E…
  • ABC's of Absolute Monarchs/Enlightenment
    An alphabetical list of terms related to absolute rulers, the Bible, constitutional monarchy, divine right, enlightenment, feudalism, glorious revolution, hall of mirrors, in…
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  • Enlightenment Thinker John Locke
    John Locke, an Enlightenment thinker, believed in natural rights and influenced American politics. His ideas are still relevant today.
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