Gmail Books

  • News!
    The author shares updates and thoughts, including a new group book, unfinished projects, and personal information.
  • I HAVE NEWS . . .
    I haven't been on StoryJumper for a while. And I have news that I want to tell you. Also, I will NOT tell you why I was gone.
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  • I'M BACK!
    oh ye the img on the front cover is my gmail pfp >:3
    Join my survey!
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  • Student Handbook
    Parallel recuperation is when you get less than 70% in one of your subjects and have to do extra work to improve your grades. If you get lost in school, go to the office for …
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    The narrator explains why they haven't been using StoryJumper and instead have been using Google Docs, providing a guide on how to use it.
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  • Larry Page The Story of Google
    The story of Larry Page, the founder of Google, and his journey from a socially awkward child to a successful entrepreneur.
    by clin
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  • StoryJumper
    So this book would probably help you and tell you how to make a StoryJumper book.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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