Goblin Shark Books

  • Bobcats in the Ocean
    Ms. Wright's 3rd graders embark on a submarine field trip to the Gulf of Mexico, encountering sharks and coral reefs, leading to an exciting adventure under the sea.
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    A brief introduction to different types of sharks, their characteristics, and behaviors.
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  • goblin sharks
    A somewhat disorganized and repetitive informational text about Goblin sharks, including facts, description, threats, and personal anecdotes.
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  • Goblin Shark
    Facts, description, diet, adaptations, behavior, ecosystem, and threats of the Goblin Shark.
  • All About Goblin Sharks
    This book provides information about goblin sharks, including their appearance, family life, habitat, diet, and fun facts.
  • Why the Goblin Shark Looks so Weird
    Under the sea, animals are waiting in line to get created by God. The Goblin Shark wants to look unique and live in the deepest water.
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  • The Big Scary Spider
    Three-year-old Ollie finds a spider in the back yard that just keeps growing and growing and growing! Oh, boy!
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  • Mysteries Of The Sea Part 2: Sequel to Mysteries Of The Sea Part 1
    Billy and Max have been looking for the lost submarine. It was very hard. They had to struggle with encountering a goblin shark, tackle a robber, and build a very strong subm…
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