Goddess Books

  • The Moon Goddess
    The story of the Jade Emperor's ten sons turning into suns and an archer named Houyi who saves the earth by shooting them down, but faces consequences for his actions.
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  • The Unicorn Horn
    The Realm is full of Mystic and magic - and Unicorns! But Sybereiad wants to use their horns for evil, not good. Can Julie, the human girl, help the unicorns fight Sybereiad …
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  • The Goddess Demeter
    The story of Demeter, the goddess of the earth and her daughter Persephone's abduction by Hades, resulting in the seasons and the cycle of life.
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  • How Color Came to the World
    Alona, a young Greek goddess, is tasked with painting the world by Zeus. Hades becomes jealous and erases her work, but she convinces him to return the color.
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  • Metztli and the Moon
    Metztli, named after the Aztec Goddess of the night and the Moon, dreams of stars and grows with imagination and curiosity.
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  • Melted
    A woman and her daughter walk in the forest, discussing the four seasons. The mother tells a story about the Fire Goddess and the Snow Queen who fell in love and created the …
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  • Athena
    The story of Athena, the goddess of reason and wisdom, her battles, and her role as the patron goddess of Athens.
  • The Sun and Moon
    A tale of forbidden love between the Sun King and Moon Queen, cursed to rule the skies apart. Mother Nature finds a way for them to be together during storms.
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