Government Programs Books

  • The New Deal: ABC Book
    A brief overview of the New Deal and its impact on American society during the Great Depression.
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  • My Life During the Great Depression
    A personal account of a family's experience during the Great Depression, including the impact of the stock market crash, unemployment, and government programs like the New De…
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  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    This is a detailed biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, covering her early life, marriage to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, her role as First Lady, and her work for human rights. It h…
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  • Chronicles of President Vázquez Scales
    A future presidential story told through the eyes/scope of a young man!
  • Nursing During The Great Depression
    A family's experience during the Great Depression, facing unemployment, poverty, and hardships, but finding hope in government programs.
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  • The Great Depression
    A boy named Michael Davis recounts his family's struggles during the Great Depression and their eventual recovery with the help of government programs.
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  • The Great Depression
    A personal account of a family's experiences during the Great Depression, including the stock market crash, poverty, and government programs.
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  • Jacob Doe's Scrapbook
    A young boy narrates his experiences during the Great Depression, including the stock market crash, poverty, homelessness, and the impact of government programs like the New …
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