Government Regulations Books

  • Pricing
    A comprehensive guide to pricing and related concepts, including price determination, pricing strategies, and government regulations.
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  • A student learns about the importance of government regulation through a book about the Dionne quintuplets, who were exploited by the Canadian government.
    A comprehensive guide to pricing, covering topics such as price determination, demand elasticity, government regulations, and various pricing strategies.
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  • Pricing booklet
    This book provides definitions and explanations of various concepts related to pricing, marketing, and government regulations.
  • Government Under the Sea!
    This is an informative and engaging story about the U.S. government, its structure, and functions. It uses a conversational style to explain complex concepts like the Constit…
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  • Pricing Booklet
    This book provides an overview of pricing concepts, strategies, and regulations in marketing. It covers topics such as price determination, return on investment, government r…
  • Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution
    This is an informational book to raise awareness on what happened to children who worked during the industrial revolution.
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  • Joel's Pricing Book
    A comprehensive guide to pricing strategies, laws, and regulations in business. Covers various aspects such as price determination, demand, cost estimation, pricing methods, …
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