Graduation Books

  • Will Little Bear go back to school?
    Little Bear is anxious about how Covid-19 will affect the upcoming school year. Will he be able to go back to his classroom or will he have to learn remotely?
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  • Trajan the Ninja Armadillo
    Trajan the Armadillo would like to become a Ninja. He works hard and succeeds.
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  • A Graduation Journey
    A kindergartener's graduation turns into an adventure as they get sucked into a book and visit different worlds, guided by a little man named Cedric.
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  • Spot Goes to College
    Spot, a dog, goes to college and faces challenges. With his dad's support, he learns that failure is part of learning and eventually graduates.
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  • Finnegan
    Finnegan, a Mobility Support Service dog, takes care of Kaelyn, who has Cerebral Palsy. They go through surgeries, recovery, and graduation together.
  • Graduating
    Elvie graduates from college and celebrates with her parents by getting ice cream.
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  • My memories
    A group of classmates reflects on their last days of middle school, with mixed emotions but a shared sense of fun.
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  • Two years ago I had a wonderful day. That day was memorable for me.
    Mirella's graduation day and celebration with family and friends, including their dog Chiqui.
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