Grandparents Books

  • 10 Days to Infinity
    I have always wanted to write a book for little kids. As a STEM teacher eight years ago, I couldn't find many books with Hispanic and African American kids as the main charac…
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  • Thanksgiving With My Family
    Many of the holidays throughout the year bring out the very best in each and every one of us. For one day love can be so powerful that we smile until we all meet again. Smile
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  • On a Bicycle Built for Two
    A heartwarming story of a bike ride with a grandpa, exploring their town and creating lasting memories. The author shares personal anecdotes and pays tribute to her own grand…
    A collection of healthy food recipes from Greece, Poland, and Portugal, along with tips for a healthy lifestyle, the effects of sport on general health, and living a healthy …
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  • The Wonders of Grandma and Grandpa
    A child describes the special qualities of their grandparents, including their skills, hobbies, and values.
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  • Adopting a Grandma
    Mimi, a little girl without a grandma, goes to a grandma store with her parents but doesn't find the right one. Later, she finds out that her dad is her grandma. Mimi is happ…
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  • Mi Familia: Los Maldonados y Juarez
    This is a heartfelt narrative about the author's Mexican-American family, focusing on their grandparents and the traditions they instilled. The story is filled with vivid mem…
  • Time With Grandparents
    A collection of short stories about a child's various experiences and activities with family members.
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