Grapes Books

  • The Grape
    Spark communication with children of all ages! This book battles bullying, communication, and the power of family and friends.
    Eye Icon 1209
    Star Icon 73
  • Apple's Perfect Picnic
    This imaginative book uses relatable foods to send the message of inclusion while creating awareness and appreciation for all food groups.
    Eye Icon 6546
    Star Icon 191
  • The duck song
    A duck repeatedly asks a lemonade stand owner for grapes, annoying him. The owner eventually buys grapes but the duck asks for lemonade instead.
    Eye Icon 378
    Star Icon 26
  • Avengers Grape Wars
    A group of superheroes called the Avengers try to stop Grape Thanos from destroying half the universe using grape stones. They face challenges and eventually defeat him.
    Eye Icon 131
    Star Icon 7
  • Grapes and Cheese
    A story about a grape and cheese who fall in love, get married, have a daughter, and face challenges of acceptance and friendship.
    Eye Icon 164
    Star Icon 20
  • the duck story
    A duck repeatedly asks a lemonade stand owner for grapes, but ends up going to the store with him to buy some.
    Eye Icon 35
    Star Icon 2
  • The Fox and the Grapes
    A fox realizes that if something is impossible for you to get to, than being optimistic makes it seem as though it wasn't much of a big deal.
    Eye Icon 676
    Star Icon 3
  • What Color Is It?
    A simple and informative story about the colors of different fruits.
    Eye Icon 1015
    Star Icon 41
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