Graph Books

  • Hockey!
    Mike, a hockey player, asks Coach Dave if he can put hockey pucks on dots in a pattern. They discuss the number of pucks and create a table and graph to represent it.
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  • The Adventures of Slope & Y-intercept
    Carlos, a struggling student, gets help from his classmate Abby to understand slope and y-intercept in math. With Abby's guidance, Carlos learns the concepts and excels on th…
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  • Graphs and Their Meaning
    An informative book about graphs and data collection, using examples of animals' breath-holding abilities.
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  • The Story of Claire
    Claire, a circle in a town of shapes, feels like she doesn't fit in. With her grandfather's help, she discovers that she can be any shape she wants to be.
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  • Down on Hammy's Farm
    Rowan visits his grandparents' farm after a storm. He helps organize the animals and learns math by counting them. They end the day with cookies.
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  • Graphing Form
    A description of different graph shapes and their corresponding equations, with a focus on exponential functions.
  • Hurray for Arrays!
    A math book that teaches students about arrays and how to use them to solve multiplication problems.
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  • when i first met lebron james
    it is about a 10 year old who wants to see his favorite basketball player lebron james
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