Grass Books

  • What are we going to do today?
    A whimsical poem about a parent's willingness to go on imaginative adventures with their child.
    Eye Icon 62841
    Star Icon 1244
  • Blue Bear Saves Sand
    Blue Bear loves digging in the sand but worries about erosion. With the help of Doll, they plant grass and build a sand castle to prevent erosion.
    by J B
    Eye Icon 1639
    Star Icon 16
  • The Adventures Of Brave Eagle (2)
    A brave, smart, and wonderful Indian Princess and the greatest horse of all time.
    Eye Icon 20038
    Star Icon 451
  • Charlie, The Cicada
    Dorothy and her husband lived aboard their boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Although living “The Dream,” they missed their granddaughter, Emma. After hearing the constant hiss …
    Eye Icon 38210
    Star Icon 1282
  • Katy the Near-Sighted Kangaroo
    A story that shows the importance of being yourself through an adventurous day with Katy the Near-sighted Kangaroo.
    Eye Icon 6407
    Star Icon 135
  • The Pumpkin Pounce
    With a roll and a bounce this wind blown pumpkin takes an unexpected journey.
    Eye Icon 20271
    Star Icon 495
  • Why is the Grass Green?
    This book explains how grass gets its food and energy through photosynthesis, using descriptive language and accurate scientific information.
    Eye Icon 313
    Star Icon 5
  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
    Eye Icon 20962
    Star Icon 1125
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