Grave Decorations Books

  • Dia de los Muertos
    Dia de los Muertos, also known as 'The Day of the Dead,' is a Latin American tradition celebrated on November 1st. It honors the deceased with food, altars, and parties.
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  • Wilma Rudolph
    A young girl named Wilma overcomes polio and becomes an Olympic champion, inspiring others. She is honored with a statue and people still visit her grave.
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  • The Little Wizard's Quest
    Phinny, a little boy, helps his parents decorate for Halloween and goes trick-or-treating as a wizard.
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  • Dia De Los Muertos
    A description of the Dia de los Muertos celebration in Mexico, including its traditions, decorations, food, and parade.
  • The ABC's of Halloween
    A list of Halloween-related words and descriptions, from A to Z.
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  • All About Disneyland
    Do you wanna learn about Disneyland? This is the right book to read!
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    Aadila learns about the life of Prophet Muhammad, the Five Pillars of Islam, and the contributions of Islam to culture, math, and science.
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  • Halloween House
    This Halloween just got spookier for Link and Walker! Find out what happens on their adventure through the scariest house in the neighborhood! Good luck!
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