Great Hamster Books

  • I Am
    A collection of short rhymes introducing various animals, objects, and professions, each with a brief description.
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  • The Big, Bad, Coronavirus
    This is a funny, lovable story about what can happen in your body. Of course it is fictional, but viruses can sneak into your body and make you very sick. At the time I wro…
    Eye Icon 97
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  • Facts about hamsters
    A fun and informative book about hamsters, their habits, and why they make great pets.
  • The Bramble Lane Adventures!
    A simple story of friends who love adventures and look after each other!
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  • One Spooky Night
    I would like to inspire kids to not be scared of your own fears.
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  • Hank and the super horse race
    A great new adventure in Hank C.B's minecraft books.
    You can only remix if you give me credit
    by hb18
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  • The Journey of a Lonely Little Hamster
    Maureen, a lonely hamster, goes on an adventure to make friends with other animals in her village. She helps a lost frog, a stuck duck, and a moose in need, and they become f…
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  • 10 Poems for pets
    A collection of poems about different pets and the love and joy they bring to their owners.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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