Greedy King Books

  • The Collective Noun King
    A greedy king seeks a way to have his subjects give him offerings without appearing gluttonous. A witch warns him about collective nouns, and he breaks the curse by giving aw…
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  • A greedy king
    A young king learns the importance of happiness and contentment from a wise girl, leading to a change in his perspective and behavior.
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  • A Treasury Of Short Poems
    Inside this book of poetry contains some of Darcey McNamara's best poems from the Covid-19 period to date. Enjoy with a cup of hot chocolate and prepare to be blown away!!
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  • To Stop, And Not To Stop
    Lavender and her friends, Cassandra, Mikey and Jim, are trying to find the DRAGON STONE, to stop conflict in the village. Find out what happens!
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  • The Tabby She Cat, Bengal, and the Mouse
    Two poor cats outsmart a greedy Mouse King and teach him a lesson about selfishness and greed.
  • Greedy King was He
    A story about a king's greed and its impact on his relationship with the queen, leading to their reconciliation.
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    A poor farmer discovers a magical pot that multiplies whatever is put inside. The greedy king's curiosity leads to his demise.
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  • The Selfish King
    In the treetops of Malaysia, King Ping and his monkey tribe mine for gold. When the gold runs out, King Ping steals from the villagers. He realizes his mistake and apologizes…
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