Green Belt Movement Books

  • Bobby Bear Goes Green
    Conserving energy each day can save a lot of money over time!
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  • The Green Sea Turtle
    This book provides information about the life cycle, habitat, diet, and conservation of green sea turtles.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • The Great Solar System Adventure! An Original Shammy Story
    Join Shammy the leprechaun and his two human friends Pila and Dimo as they take a journey throughout our solar system and see and learn interesting and cool facts. A fictiona…
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  • Jadie Flies Away The Misadventures of a Naughty Parrot
    Thanks for the great feedback. You can find my newest Jadie the Parrot books on
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  • Because of Green
    The story celebrates the color green and its significance in nature, culture, and everyday life.
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    Do you have real friends? Children should make sure they surround themselves with GOOD friends! This book is a small guide on some of the QUALITIES of real friendship.
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  • One Green Apple
    Farah, a new student in a foreign country, struggles to fit in and learn the language. She finds solace in picking apples and making apple cider with her classmates, eventual…
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