Gummy Bears Books

  • I Know I Can!
    Peyton is a well-trained, award winning therapy dog. She wasn't always so trained however. It took patience and practice. Great book to teach kids to not get frustrated and p…
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  • The Lost Gummy Bears
    Kaliya and Hello Kitty search for their missing gummy bears, only to find Spongebob stole them. They teach him about stealing and become friends.
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  • But we can't do that!
    Can unicorns and dragons play together? Maybe if they use their imagination.
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  • Gummy Bear
    A gummy bear escapes from various animals but is ultimately tricked and eaten by a fox.
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  • The Giant Gummy Bear
    Marilou tries to make a gummy bear grow, but it turns into a giant and causes chaos. She and her friend Kathy come up with a plan to shrink it using hot water.
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  • The Gummy bear
    Gummie, a brave gummy bear, befriends two humans who mysteriously arrive on his planet. He helps them settle in and gives them a tour of their new homes.
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  • Gummy Bear Friends
    A group of gummy bears go on an adventurous vacation, encounter a mermaid and genie, and have a happy ending.
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  • Types of Cellular Transport in Cells
    An informative book about the cell and its various parts, including the cell membrane. It explains different types of cellular transport, such as diffusion, osmosis, endocyto…
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