Gummy Characters Books

  • But we can't do that!
    Can unicorns and dragons play together? Maybe if they use their imagination.
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  • Nourishing Foods for Dancers
    Mea learns about nutrition and healthy eating by observing her friends and reading the dietary guidelines. She makes better food choices for her health.
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  • Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life
    A collection of short anecdotes and personal reflections from the author's life, covering topics such as nicknames, books, cats, dark chocolate, Earth, fish, gummy candy, hoc…
  • A description of the characters and their relationships in the show Gravity Falls, followed by a brief narrative by Dipper about his adventures and encounters with dangerous …
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    This is a collection of short stories featuring various characters and scenarios, including robots making breakfast, recess chaos, haunted houses, aliens eating homework, mag…
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  • Three in a Summer
    Julianna is a 12 year old girl, whose mom gets pregnant. She goes thogh a lot while her mom is pregnant. Suddenly her mom gets sick. Will the babies survive?
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  • Mr. Wulf and the Straw, Sticks, and Stones
    Ulric Wulf, also known as the Big Bad Wolf, works for S.A.F.E. in Storybrook City. He deals with various fairytale characters and their problems, including the Pig brothers w…
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  • Ben's Christmas Traditions
    Ben describes his family's Christmas traditions, including baking, decorating, praying, and opening presents.
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