Gym Books

  • Jadie Flies Away The Misadventures of a Naughty Parrot
    Thanks for the great feedback. You can find my newest Jadie the Parrot books on
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  • Pokemon adventures,book 2
    Red and his Pokemon team battle against various opponents, including a gym leader. They emerge victorious and prepare for their next challenge.
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  • The Brilliant Adventures of Class 5C
    Class 5C gets teleported to different universes based on their abilities. They have adventures in history, basketball, video games, tech, piano, gym, toys, horse riding, art,…
    Eye Icon 30
  • The Love That Never Ends
    This book is about an amazing superhero who is now an angel in brother, Benjamin.
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    Star Icon 195
    An informational book about Pokemon, including their types, moves, catching methods, legendary status, gym battles, evolutions, generations, and creation.
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  • the great pokemon adventure 2
    Red continues his journey, capturing new Pokemon and winning battles. He arrives at the first gym.
  • The Lost Pokemon
    Ash, Misty, and Brock encounter Team Rocket in the woods. They battle with their Pokemon and face various challenges before reuniting with their trainers.
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  • Pikachu's New Adventure
    Pikachu, best friends with Psyduck, joins a new gym to become the best Pokémon. They part ways but remain friends.
    Eye Icon 1987
    Star Icon 32
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