Hamsters Books

  • Getting My Hamster
    A young girl and her brother go to a pet store to buy hamsters. They encounter some challenges but ultimately bring the hamsters home and name them Sunny and Cinnamon.
    Eye Icon 1965
    Star Icon 52
  • Chip The Hamster
    Chip the Hamster starts as a wild hamster until he gets captured. He is looking for his family, it might take a while.
    Eye Icon 407
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  • I Am
    A collection of short rhymes introducing various animals, objects, and professions, each with a brief description.
    Eye Icon 58319
    Star Icon 875
  • Hamsters
    A brief informational text about hamsters, covering their physical characteristics, diet, lifespan, and behavior.
    Eye Icon 913
    Star Icon 10
  • Facts about hamsters
    A fun and informative book about hamsters, their habits, and why they make great pets.
  • I adopted a hamster!
    A short story about two hamsters, Milky and Hemji, and their experiences after being adopted. They have different colors and behaviors.
    Eye Icon 82
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    A story about a hamster and a rabbit who play football, go to the park, and have supper.
    Eye Icon 148
    Star Icon 2
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