Hawaii Books

  • Bubbles Big Surprise
    Bubbles the white friendly rabbit was enjoying life in Hawaii with Ms. Hinds and their many adventures together. His wish for a forever home had come true. He didn't think th…
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  • Bubbles Island Adventures
    On an island in Hawaii, Bubbles the friendly rabbit had been living as a classroom pet. He had often wished for a home of his very own, and one day his wish came true.
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  • Princess Skye And Her Adventures
    Princess Skye and Princess Sanai go on an adventure, visiting Hawaii, going trick-or-treating, playing Roblox, and more.
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  • TRUE LOVE Vol. 2: On the Wings of Love
    In the second book of the TRUE LOVE series, Coco the hen and Pecker the Rooster become fast friends. Their friendship deepens during their adventures, and eventually leads t…
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  • My Vacation with Grandma
    This is a story about a girl who goes on a vacation with her grandma and sister. She gets to go to different places on vacation and has neat experiences while on vacation.
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  • Keke and Kewalaka
    Kewalaka, a boy from Hawaii, searches for a best friend among the moon, volcano, sharks, waterfall, dolphin, and wave, until he finds Keke.
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  • Kaia and Maya Adventures: Trip to Hawaii
    Kaia and Maya are two adventurous sisters. In this book Kaia and Maya go to Hawaii. They play in the sand and swim with the dolphins. Hope you enjoy.
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  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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