Healthy Eating Books

  • Healthy Eating
    A simple and informative story about the importance of eating healthy and taking care of your body.
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  • Healthy Eating Recipe Book
    A collection of healthy snack recipes with simple instructions and ingredient lists.
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  • Eating Healthy for Healthy Babies
    A guide for pregnant mothers on how to prevent premature birth and eat a healthy diet during pregnancy.
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  • Eating Healthy
    This book is about eating healthy. About what is healthy, vs what in not. (If you like this book, be sure to click "like") If you have any questions ask me in comments.
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  • Spongebob Eats Right
    Squidward teaches Spongebob about the importance of healthy eating and exercise.
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    Children share health stories they found or wrote for a homework assignment. The stories teach lessons about healthy living, including the importance of eating fruits and veg…
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  • Jesse You Can!
    Jesse, a boy who is bullied for being overweight, meets Miss Healthy who helps him transform his life through exercise and healthy eating.
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  • MyPlate Guide to Eating Well
    A book that educates children about the 5 food groups, portion sizes, and healthy eating habits through engaging text and practical tips.
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