Hedgehog Books

    Sonic and his friends must stop a meteor from destroying their world, but they face challenges from villains. They find the Chaos Emeralds and prepare for the next adventure.
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  • Harry the Hedgehog
    Harry the hedgehog lives on a farm, faces predators, meets another hedgehog, and learns about human impact.
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    An informative book about hedgehogs, covering their diet, reproduction, habitat, relationships with plants and animals, humans, and fun facts.
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  • Sonic The Hedgehog
    A hedgehog named Sonic teams up with a man named Tom to defeat the villain Dr. Robotnick and save the world.
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  • My Hedgehog e-book
    The story revolves around two hedgehogs, Ruby and Moose, who live in Sunnyside Hill. One night, they encounter large shadows which turn out to be owls. Initially scared, the …
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  • Harold the Healthy Hedgehog
    Harold the hedgehog loves eating healthy and prepares a meal for his ant friends. He convinces Arnold to try veggie pizza, teaching him to be open-minded.
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  • sonic the hedgehog book 2
    Sonic and Tails wake up in a new dimension and try to figure out how they got there. Sonic realizes it was the ruby's power. They encounter strange scenes and Sonic notices t…
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  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    Sonic, the hero, battles the evil CK and his sidekick Egg in Tennessee, using his powers to save the day and show that he's a cool friend to have!
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