Helicopter Books

  • Charlie, The Cicada
    Dorothy and her husband lived aboard their boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Although living “The Dream,” they missed their granddaughter, Emma. After hearing the constant hiss …
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  • Helicopters
    This book will really explain a lot about helicopters.I hope you give good comments!
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    a short story made my a 13 year old after a trip in alaska
  • The Robbery of the Golden Gem
    Dextor Talon - A budding spy who solves the mystery of the golden gem!
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  • Multiplication Madness
    A collection of multiplication word problems featuring various characters and their encounters with groups of objects. Each problem is followed by a hint and a congratulatory…
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  • The Secret Diamond
    This book was written by a 7 year old girl. The book is about 3 friends who went in search of a diamond to save a dying Queen in fairy land. They became heroes with their br…
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  • Africa Adventure By Vincent
    Jimmy and his friend are riding in a plane when an eagle crashes into the pilot's eye. Jimmy falls on a mountain and meets a man named Norman. They encounter a lion and a hel…
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