High School Books

  • PiNK
    Can Calvin, a high school chemistry teacher, match wits with the richest and most intelligent scientist in the world? When that scientist is his brother who is trying to tak…
  • High School Girl Super Spy
    Kaley and Lacey, high school spies, must uncover and stop Pie Lady and Pastry Woman's evil plan to destroy the world, racing against time and facing various challenges along …
    Eye Icon 289
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  • Cumulo High School
    A humorous story about clouds attending high school, with each cloud type having unique characteristics and interactions.
    Eye Icon 44
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  • The Night Before College...
    On the night before college, a girl reflects on her childhood memories and expresses gratitude for her parents.
    Eye Icon 11814
    Star Icon 788
  • High School Stalker
    New series along with like 3 other ones i'm working on
    Eye Icon 192
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  • My High School Buddy
    Emma and Dillon talk about their favorite things in English and Spanish.
    by Fenn
    Eye Icon 757
    Star Icon 26
  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
    Eye Icon 22075
    Star Icon 1100
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