Hip-hop Dance Books

  • The history of hip hop
    A comprehensive exploration of hip-hop dance, its origins, cultural impact, and elements, including DJing, break dancing, graffiti art, and rapping.
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  • Dreaming of Dancing
    This book is for all dancers. Intent is to bring hope, options and new goals to all. It is great for those who got injured or in some way discouraged in the process of becom…
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  • BTS
    An introduction to the K-pop group BTS, their history, band members, albums, and songs, along with the author's opinion and favorite song.
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  • 3 ballerinas and 1 maid
    Three ballerinas, Violet, Rhonda, and Nora, are tired of being the only dancers in their village. They embark on a quest to find another dancer, leading them to Marty, a maid…
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  • The Dance World: From A to Z
    This is an informative book that uses the alphabet to introduce various dance terms and styles. Each letter represents a different dance term, from A for Aerial to Z for Z-si…
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  • Movement Mission- How Do You Dance?
    Sammy wants to learn how to dance and Carly introduces him to different dance styles like ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, and contemporary.
    Lily dreams of becoming a ballerina but some friends of hers think of destroying her dream. A dance competition comes up and Lily is trying her best to win, will she win and …
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  • ABC's of Dancers
    An alphabetical guide to various dance styles and terms, from acrobats to wings.
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