Hitler Books

  • If you give Hitler power
    A historical narrative that outlines Hitler's progression of power and territorial expansion leading up to World War II.
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  • Hitler Became Littler
    During World War II, Danish Jews were saved from Hitler's power when a group of people in Denmark decided to ship them to Sweden on fishing boats.
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  • If you give HItler an army!
    A brief overview of Hitler's actions leading up to World War II, including his expansion of the army, annexation of Austria, and invasion of Poland.
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  • If You Give Hitler a Country
    A historical account of Hitler's expansionist ambitions, starting with Germany and ending with World War 2.
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  • Battle of the Bulge
    A battle between the Allies and the Germans during World War II, resulting in a victory for the US and the downfall of Hitler.
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  • Living with Hitler
    The story is a detailed account of a Jewish person's experiences during the Holocaust, from living in ghettos to being transported to concentration camps. It explores themes …
  • Hitler & Stalin Non Aggression Pact
    The story discusses the Non Aggression Pact between Hitler and Stalin, its impact on World War II, and four adjectives describing the pact.
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  • WWII Interactive
    A brief overview of major events in World War II, including the Treaty of Versailles, rise of Hitler, US isolationism, Pearl Harbor, internment camps, and the atomic bombings…
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