Hitting Books

  • Hitting is Not Helpful
    A story about a child's struggle with anger and learning to resolve conflicts peacefully.
    Eye Icon 2079
    Star Icon 142
  • Baseball and Friends
    Cheating at sports will only make things worse in the end.
    Eye Icon 19451
    Star Icon 383
  • The Titanic
    The story of the Titanic, a luxurious ship that sank after hitting an iceberg, resulting in many deaths.
    Eye Icon 141
    Star Icon 12
  • The Perfect 10
    Emma celebrates her 10th birthday by going to a Phillies game and getting autographs from Bryce Harper. She also witnesses him hitting a home run.
    Eye Icon 22
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  • It's Time to Play Volleyball
    A comprehensive guide to volleyball, covering its history, rules, equipment, and how to play. Encourages readers to try the sport and highlights its benefits.
    Eye Icon 128
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  • Hitting Harry
    Harry, a little boy, loves playing with his friends at school. However, he struggles to keep his hands to himself and ends up pushing his friend Christopher. Harry learns the…
  • Toy Time
    Saige, a girl with talking toys, sneaks out to the park through a portal. They encounter Vortex, who wants Captain Lazor. Saige's brother and sister save her, but they end up…
    Eye Icon 387
    Star Icon 30
    Uncle Rick is taking his nephew Ash home after a fun weekend. On the way home they notice that nobody is around. Well almost nobody. Apparently the city has been overrun by z…
    Eye Icon 4053
    Star Icon 318
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