Human Activities Books

  • 4th Grade
    This book explores the effects of human activities on the environment, including pollution from vehicles and factories, and the importance of recycling and using renewable re…
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  • Air Pollution
    The story explains the causes and effects of air pollution, emphasizing human activities. It also mentions specific pollutants and their impact on climate change and health.
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  • Clean Up Our City!
    Grace challenges readers to help clean up the city of Danbury by preventing water pollution. She explains the water cycle, surface runoff, watersheds, and human activities th…
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    This book provides information about the life of pandas, including their habitat, diet, life cycle, and fun facts.
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  • Skittles the Snow Leopard
    Skittles, a snow leopard, and her cubs live in the Altai Sayan Mountains. They face challenges due to human activities but with the help of good humans, they save their home.
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  • Baby's best friend
    A collection of rhyming verses about different colored puppies, their activities, and their relationships with humans.
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  • Save The Animals.
    A plea to save animals from the harm caused by human activities such as littering, hunting, and deforestation.
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    This story is an informative piece about climate change, its effects on the environment, and how humans can help mitigate these effects. It personifies Climate Change as a ch…
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