Human Behavior Books

  • The Unicorn
    A description of unicorns and their magical qualities, including their habitat, behavior, and relationship with humans.
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  • How does human behavior contribute to air, water, soil and noise pollution?
    How do we as humans contribute to pollution? How can we help reduce our pollution?
    The story discusses the negative effects of social media on psychological development, including anxiety, depression, and sleep interference.
  • Phoebe's Adventures
    Phoebe, a Great Dane, lives on a college campus with her human mom and friends. She loves attention but struggles with destructive behavior.
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  • Foxes
    This nonfiction book provides information about foxes, including where they live, what they eat, their behavior, and hunting habits. It also includes fun facts and jokes. The…
    Eye Icon 2003
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  • ABC's of Science
    An alphabetical list of scientific terms and their definitions, from astronomy to zoology.
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  • Psychology in My Life
    A little girl reflects on her experiences with strange human behaviors, including auditions, conformity, and sexism.
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  • Experimenting in Psychology
    This is a book that teaches a very basic introduction to the experimental method in Psychology.
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