Human-animal Relationship Books

    A brief history of how humans domesticated animals and their role in modern society.
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  • Zoology Final Semester Project
    This informative text provides a comprehensive overview of sea turtles, covering their respiration, circulation, digestion, nutrition, movement, reproduction, nervous system,…
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  • If You Feed A Cat...
    A story about a cat and its relationship with a human, including the cat's kittens and finding them a new home.
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  • Evolution of Dog's
    The story explores the evolution of dogs from wolves and their relationship with humans throughout history.
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  • The Life of a Chimpanzee
    A brief overview of the skeletal system and external environment of chimpanzees, followed by a reflection on human-animal interaction.
  • American Alligators
    An informational book about the American alligator, covering topics such as respiration, digestion, reproduction, and more.
  • Zoology Final Project: The Cow!
    An informational book about cows, covering topics such as respiration, digestion, reproduction, and human-animal interactions.
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