Hybrid Books

  • The Hybrid Dinosaur (part 1)
    In 2098, scientists bring dinosaurs back to Earth. But the man in charge, Luficer D. Edward, realizes it's not exciting at all. Hybrid dinosaurs cause chaos. To be continued.…
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  • Jurassic World Carnivores
    A description of various dinosaurs in Jurassic World, including their weight, speed, and unique features.
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  • My life's story.
    Derek, a YouTuber in the year 10,222, wakes up to find his house covered in snow. He calls for help but ends up ordering pizza and causing chaos with a hybrid microwave. He t…
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  • Earth Gets Sick
    Earth, who is sick due to pollution, goes to the doctor and learns about hybrid cars. He decides to give out free hybrid cars to save the environment.
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  • super cars
    A collection of facts about various luxury sports cars, including their top speeds and prices.
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  • The Great Eclipse Exploration! An original Shammy story
    Join Shammy the leprechaun and his two human friends Pila and Dimo as they discover the world of eclipse.
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  • tyrannosauridae
    An informational book about the Tyrannosauridae family, including various genera and their characteristics. It also includes a bonus section on the fictional Indominus rex.
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