Ideal Books

  • My Ideal Vacation
    The narrator describes their ideal vacation, including who they want to spend it with, where they want to go, and what they want to do.
  • My ideal school
    The narrator describes their ideal school, including its location, facilities, teachers, schedule, activities, and meals.
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  • Mi Vida Ideal
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  • Do You Know the Secret of ... ?
    A story about competitors who learn to be friends and teammates.
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  • The Ideal Role Model
    The story discusses the qualities of an ideal role model and how they can inspire others to live a healthy, responsible, and positive life.
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  • My ideal neighborhood
    A child describes their ideal neighborhood in the sky, where people travel by clouds and have unique customs.
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  • My Ideal School
    A child explores children's rights and the importance of education, while also researching their family's educational background.
  • My ideal routin
    A description of a child's and their mother's daily routines, including waking up, making the bed, eating breakfast, bathing, and going out.
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