Ignorance Books

  • A magic world of letters
    David, a boy obsessed with his mobile phone, loses his color and is diagnosed with ignorance. Through reading books, he regains his passion for life.
  • Alliterative Story of School
    A collection of random sentences, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet, showcasing various activities and events at school.
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  • The Argument of Ignorance
    Tom claims to have seen a unicorn, but Margaret dismisses it as impossible. They argue about the lack of evidence.
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  • Beatty's Speech
    Melanie, a curious girl, seeks answers about book burning from Captain Beatty, who explains the city's philosophy of conformity and happiness through ignorance.
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  • Critical Reflection
    A thought-provoking story about challenging stereotypes and the importance of education and understanding.
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  • The Allegory, from book 7 of the Republic
    The Allegory of the Cave by Plato describes prisoners in a cave who mistake shadows for reality. One prisoner escapes and learns the truth, but is rejected when he tries to s…
  • Argument from Ignorance
    A story about the fallacy of argument from ignorance and a food festival in Quarter, where monsters are always happy.
  • The Ducks, the Beavers, and Lenny
    Symbolizing kids who are judgmental of other kids because they are different and the ignorance of those mean people.
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