Importance Of Towels Books

  • How to Celebrate
    "Towel Day" is a tribute to Douglas Adams, the author of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." It celebrates the importance of towels and encourages various activities. The sto…
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  • Stefania and Emma Washing Hands
    Stefania and Emma learn about the importance of handwashing from their grandma through various incidents and jokes.
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  • How to wash your hands.
    A step-by-step guide on how to wash your hands properly, emphasizing the importance of each step.
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  • Life is Better With Clean Hands
    A comprehensive guide on the importance of handwashing, proper technique, and tips for parents to instill the habit in children.
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  • Corona Virus
    A story about life during the coronavirus pandemic, emphasizing the importance of staying home and following safety guidelines.
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  • A small boy in a bustling city learns the importance of water after experiencing a day without it.
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  • Jordan's Bright Smile
    A young child named Jordan shares their toothbrushing routine, emphasizing the importance of oral hygiene and a bright smile.
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  • Hand-washing Time
    A step-by-step guide on how to wash hands properly, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.
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