Inaccuracies Books

  • Jungle Animals
    A collection of facts about various animals, from bears to zebras, with some inaccuracies and inconsistent writing style.
    Eye Icon 127
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  • Race Cars
    A young car enthusiast provides information about various fast and expensive cars, but with some inaccuracies and lack of organization.
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  • Skeletal And  Muscular System
    An informative book about the skeletal and muscular systems, their functions, and their importance in our body. Includes some inaccuracies and lacks clear organization.
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  • ABC's of the Gorilla
    I really hope y'all enjoy my book I learned more about gorillas and I cant wait to read more about animals share your book with me and I will send a comment on it (feedback).…
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  • Inaccuracy of IQ testing
    Alice and Peter take an IQ test to determine who is smarter. Peter scores higher, but the townspeople believe the test is inaccurate.
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  • Blood Flow Adventure
    Reagan learns about the journey of blood through his heart and body, with some inaccuracies. He appreciates his heart's hard work.
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  • Pangea
    A brief introduction to the concept of Pangea and continental drift, with some inaccuracies and lack of detail.
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  • The Three Little Pigs
    A retelling of the classic story of the three little pigs, with some inaccuracies and grammar errors.
    Eye Icon 153
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