Inauguration Books

  • Campbell's Journey to Presidency!
    Campbell, a candidate in the 2022 Presidential election, campaigns, competes with opponent Jessie, and ultimately becomes the next President of the United States.
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  • Assassination of JFK and Inauguration of LBJ
    On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was shot in Dallas. Lyndon Johnson became the 36th President of the US and called for sacrifices to prevent a repeat of the tragedy.
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  • Facts About George Washington
    this boook is about george washington and it has alot of facts about geoge washington :)
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  • Thmas Jefferson
    A brief overview of Thomas Jefferson's presidency, including his inauguration, foreign relations, and domestic policies.
  • Campbell's journey to Presidency
    Campbell's journey to becoming the President of the United States, from fulfilling requirements to winning the election and taking office.
  • Campbells Crazy Campaign
    Campbell, a candidate for the presidency, goes through the campaign process, wins the election, and becomes the President of the United States.
  • Andrew Jackson
    This book provides a brief overview of key events and policies during Andrew Jackson's presidency, including his inauguration, bank bill veto, nullification crisis, Indian re…
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  • Civil War Flipbook
    A brief overview of the American Civil War, its causes, and its consequences.
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