Incas Books

  • The Search For Emeralds
    The story explores the history of emeralds in South America, from their discovery by the Spanish conquistadors to their sinking in a shipwreck and subsequent rediscovery by t…
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  • The Story of The Incas
    A child excitedly shares facts about the Inca civilization, including their government, culture, religion, and achievements.
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    La historia de un Inca llamado Garcilaso de la Vega que fue esclavizado por dos reyes y finalmente logró su libertad con la ayuda de su pueblo.
  • Back to the Incas
    Macy and David research the ancient Inca empire, learning about their culture, society, technology, and cities.
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  • The Storybook of Fun: Inca Dynasty
    Poco the parrot narrates an adventure through the Inca Dynasty, introducing a girl named Manqu and the Quechua people. The story covers the empire's rise, its culture, belief…
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  • The Incas Civilization
    An informational book about the Inca civilization, covering their history, leaders, social hierarchy, daily life, wealth, and downfall.
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  • Inti Raymi, an Inca Celebration
    A story about the Inca Empire and their celebration of Inti Raymi, the Feast of the Sun.
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