Income Books

  • Tax Story
    Jack, a pirate, navigates the complexities of filing taxes. He learns about deductions, exemptions, and receives a large refund.
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  • A B C'S of Education
    A conversation between three pets about their owner going to school, followed by an informational section on the benefits of education and a comparison of income levels based…
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  • Tax 101
    An overview of different tax forms and their purposes, with some tips on how to fill them out.
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  • Business World
    Steven explains the basics of financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, statements of cash flow, and owner's equity.
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  • A children's book introduces financial statements using soccer metaphors, explaining the roles of Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flow in Strikers FC's…
  • City Versus Country
    The story discusses the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or the country, focusing on lifestyle, transportation, stress levels, income, and cost of living.
  • Taxes
    This book provides definitions and explanations of various tax-related terms and concepts, including types of taxes, deductions, taxable income, and tax forms.
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  • Life in the Philippines
    Nico, a miner in the Philippines, faces challenges when the mine he works at closes. However, it eventually reopens, bringing both benefits and drawbacks.
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