Indians Books

  • The Adventures Of Brave Eagle (2)
    A brave, smart, and wonderful Indian Princess and the greatest horse of all time.
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  • The Adventures of Brave Eagle
    Brave Eagle, a young Indian princess, is captured by wolves and raised as their own. She learns from them and eventually returns to her people.
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  • Coahuiltecan Indians
    Coahuiltecan Indians and their housing, daily life, fate and weapons, along with pictures.
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  • Powhatan Indians
    The Powhatan tribe, their culture, and their interactions with the English settlers in Jamestown.
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  • The lesson of johnny Appleseed
    The story tells how Johnny Appleseed, a kind person, helped Indians, pioneers, and animals by giving them apples and telling stories.
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  • The Jumano Indians
    the Jumano Indians of Texas. This book includes their daily life, how their houses looked and how they were built, what happened to them and when they lived.
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  • Eastern Woodlands Indians
    The Powhatan Indians were a Native American tribe who lived in the Eastern Woodlands region of the United States. They were known for their fishing, hunting, farming, and bea…
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  • Indian School Bousher
    King Akbar asks a question about the number of crows in the city. Birbal gives a clever answer and is rewarded by the king.
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