Indus Valley Civilization Books

    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, covering its geography, society, caste system, religion, culture, and technological adv…
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  • Crystal Valley
    Crystal Valley is the story of Ivy, Marrina, Ember, and Stella going on an adventure to save their town, Crystal Valley. On their journey, they travel to Dispairville to take…
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  • The Indus Valley Civilization
    A brief introduction to the Indus Valley civilization, its achievements, and its decline. Includes some dialogue and humor.
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  • Indus River Valley
    A brief introduction to the Indus Valley Civilization, its cities, writing system, peaceful nature, and theories about its decline.
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  • The Indus Valley
    A brief introduction to the Indus Valley civilization, its cities, culture, and downfall.
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  • Indus River Valley Civilization
    Randy, Jose, and Rosie, from the Indus River Valley Civilization, face challenges like flooding and famine but ultimately rebuild their civilization.
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  • Visit to indus valley
    Two kids get lost during a school trip and find a magical ball that transports them to the ancient Indus Valley civilization.
  • Imperialism in India
    A brief overview of India's history, including the Indus Valley civilization, British colonization, and the Indian Independence movement.
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