Infants Books

  • Day and Night
    A book about the differences between day and night, including activities, nature, and dreams.
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  • The typical day of an infant
    This book discusses cognitive and language development milestones in infants from birth to 1 year old.
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  • Infancy: Birth to 12 months
    Infants go through cognitive and language development, reaching milestones like object permanence and babbling. Caregivers play a crucial role in fostering these milestones.
  • Cognitive and Language Development Milestones
    This book provides information about cognitive and language milestones for infants from birth to 12 months, as well as a typical day for a four-month-old baby.
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  • Infant Development
    This book provides an overview of the different stages of infancy, including sleep patterns, feeding habits, cognitive milestones, and language development.
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  • WATCH ME GROW A Day in the Life of an Infant!
    A young child's day is described, from waking up to going to sleep, with interactions with family and observations of the world around them.
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  • Guide to Friendship Junior Infants
    A short and simple story that promotes kindness, happiness, communication, help, and sharing.
  • Baby Milestones
    This book provides information on cognitive and language milestones for infants from 0-12 months, as well as a typical day at a baby daycare.
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